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Cinco x Cinco’s new collection brings ceremonial utensils to the Guatemalan table

Cinco x Cinco’s new collection brings ceremonial utensils to the Guatemalan table

Cinco x Cinco’s new collection of utensils and tableware was at Design Week México.

by Colectivo CincoxCinco
Published on : Feb 05, 2024

The Utensilios de Ceremonia is a tableware collection by Guatemala-based studio Colectivo CincoxCinco comprises utensils ranging from spoons to spreaders. The collection that was on showcase at Design Week México is also a part of 'Somos LAT' a design collaboration created to develop and build stronger relationships between Latin American countries. The project was born from a coincidence, the strength of which resulted in an artist collective formed by nine designers with a common goal: to find spaces for dissemination outside the countries normally recognised by the design community. 

Utensile with spreader

The bean spreader is designed specifically as a tool for spreading, it is not a knife-cutter or a deep spoon, but a product design perfect for spreading turned beans on corn tortillas. The black bean is the food that unites Guatemala. All Guatemalans eat it, in all regions of the country. It does not distinguish between economic and social strata. It is a daily delicacy, along with corn tortillas, the main source of local nutrition since pre-Columbian times. Standing, strained or turned, added to tamales or stuffed with plantains, they are not missing from the Guatemalan daily or ceremonial table. 

Utensile with 4 teeth

The four-teeth utensil also titled the 'avocado utensil' is a mix between a spoon and a fork that helps in removing the pulp with a creamy texture from the peel, whether pureed or whole, to add the avocado into dishes or spread on a fresh tortilla. In Guatemala, avocado is the ideal companion for all three meals of soups, broths and other traditional Guatemalan dishes. Avocado, originally from Latin America, is eaten in Guatemala, as Guacamol, mashed with salt and lemon, chopped in broths, or alone with a spoon. 

Edged spoon utensil and Spoon utensil

The edged spoon utensil is a hybrid spoon-knife utensil to take the broth and be able to cut the vegetables and meats at the same time. The ideal utensil for dishes made from broths and sauces, and seasoned with golden seeds, spices, herbs, vegetables and added meats. Whereas, the spoon utensil is a deep and round utensils for drinking broth.



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