Venetian textile brand Rubelli launches their latest 2021 collection, Di Varia Natura. The sustainable weaves are a vivid juxtaposition of colour, texture and pattern - bringing whimsical and nature-inspired themes to life. The collection also includes Rubelli’s signature silk jacquards in floral and historic motifs. These textiles are suitable for indoor and outdoor use in contemporary spaces.
References to Fairy Tales (Il Marchese di Carabà), Painting (Déjeuner sur l’Herbe), Architecture (Burano), the Jungle (Home Jungle), Florals (La Vie en Rose): five printed fabrics of a different nature.
Moving to geometries - Euclide, Pitagora, Archimede, Talete, Arianna and Eureka – for a journey of time and space, between reality and myth: six geometric patterns of a different nature.
Preciousness and refinement, noble origins and erudite historical references are found in Toledo, Granduchessa and Contessa: three precious silk lampas of a different nature.
Avant-garde and sustainability in Java, Martinique, Lollipop, Cuba Libre and Vibrations, all made with an innovative fabric produced from extracts of castor beans: five bio-based fabrics of a different nature.
Moreover, a touch of poetry in Nap, a touch of writing in Lettere, a touch of nostalgia in Nadar: three “one-of-a-kind” creations of a different nature. And finally, Beyond, born from Rubelli’s desire to support art and specifically the Peggy Guggenheim Collection.
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