make your fridays matter with a well-read weekend

make your fridays matter




Antretemps is a mobile community that moves where the earth's habitable conditions have deteriorated. It poses to make resilience possible and then its mutation around concrete projects. It developed through the commitment of a large part of the youth to the bankruptcy of the climate policy. Its great learning capacity and building a support network allow the population to change their reference and system of thinking very quickly.

In the meantime, it develops an in-situ and organic pragmatic intelligence by staying connected to the other antennas in which it has already placed itself. It is based on mutual assistance, empowerment, projection in collective life projects and reactivation of desires and the future.

This presentation by Matali Crasset at Maison La Roche unveils a little-known aspect of her work, digital drawings, a practice she has been developing since 2007 with a series begun in 2016. This series of drawings will echo tapestries and sculptures.